3D Printed Nippon Starter Army
The 3d Printed Nippon starter Army sets you up to put an army on the table:
1 3D Printed Hero Pack
1 3D Printed Temple
1 unit of 3D printed Sneaks
1 unit of 3D Printed Ronin
3 units of 3D Printed Samurai Ratmen
1 unit of 3D printed Mounted Samurai Ratmen
1 unit of 3D printed Tengu
1 unit of 3D printed Komainu
1 unit of 3D printed Oni
1 unit of 3D printed Ashigaru Archers
1 unit of 3D printed Ashigaru
1 unit of 3D printed Ashigaru Boomers
For more information on the contents of individual units please see thier unit entries. If you want to swap out some elements of this army please E-mail me before you buy to confirm: john@cromartyforge.com