Supplying a growing range of 10mm wargaming miniatures.
Unfortunately I am no longer able to ship outside of the UK, please use either Excellent Miniatures (EU) Or PSC for the rest of the world.
The 1st army into a new endeavour, these 10mm 3D printed Early Imperial Romans are ready to bring prosperity and civilisation to the known world.
iThe Germanic Tribes stand ready to write history! This 3D printed 10mm Army represents the fierce power of the germanic tribes.
The Britons gather to defend their lands. This 3D printed 10mm Army represents the Tribes of Britain from the 1st century BC to AD.
Often Imitated, often victorious, sometimes civilised, always feared, the ancient Gauls were a force to be reckoned with.
The Mid republic roman army represents the armies of Rome from approx 270BCE to 100BCE. Bring together your Hastati, and Principes to repel the foe, and if it gets desperate, ready the Triarii to enter the fray!
The army of Carthage was a principal enemy of the Romans during the republic period. From an extensive use of allied troops to the deployment of Elephants, the armies of Carthage were hugely varied and could be devastatingly effective.
The Iberians, wheather armed with javelins, spears or the terrifying curved Falcata (a single edged forward curved sword that was particularly good at severing limbs) were masters of guerrilla warfare.
The masters of light cavalry, Numidians not only provided hugely skilled horsemen to many armies of the time, but also fought to defend and expand their own territories.
The City Dwarfs may be more civilised than their mountain cousins, some would insist that they have gone soft, but not to their faces, never to their faces. The city dwarfs cover two warmaster revolution lists, saving you painting time, and delivering flexibility in your games.
This brutal, cavalry and chariot heavy army provides a dynamic opportunity to anyone who likes to cover ground and dictate the terms of engagement. 3D printed with incredible detail, these 10mm models will bring joy to your table.
These high resolution 3D printed miniatures cover the traditional Ratmen and the new Nippon lists for WM Revolution
My lead free pewter Dwarfs remain my most popular range. Wielding axes, guns, X-bows and grudges these little fellows make a big impact.
The Children of Apep cover all entries for the lizardmen army for WM Revolution, giving a fresh take on an ancient force. Lead free pewter and cast resin.
The Vampire Vikings range is a highly versatile army, covering Wet and Dry undead and, with the addition of an undead Mammoth and Frost Giant, you can even field them as rampaging Norse. Lead free pewter and cast resin.
The Pictish woodlanders have all your Elf army bases covered! Lead free pewter and cast resin miniatures.
My 1st army, and one of my favourites, the Samurai Ratmen can be fielded as classic ratmen or the new Nipponese list. Lead free pewter and resin.
Whether you want to print high detailed resin armies, or FDM scenery, you can find the files you need on my Gumroad store.